Evoluzione di galassie e AGN in funzione dell'environment

In detail

This project focuses on the connection between the processes that determine the formation and evolution of galaxies and active galactic nuclei and their surroundings. For this purpose, methods related to both density field reconstruction and statistical methods widely used in cosmology such as the two-point correlation function and/or the power spectrum are used.

The analysis aims to link the observational properties of galaxies and AGNs of various types (e.g. their mass and morphology, star formation rate, metallicity, nuclear emission activity in different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, with a particular predilection for radium, etc.) with their position within the so-called cosmic web, i.e. with their location in portions of the universe of different densities with the ultimate aim of investigating the macroscopic physical processes that led to the formation and evolution of these extragalactic objects.