Unleashing the Fury: The Power and Impact of Supermassive Black Hole Winds
Affiliation: Università Tor Vergata / INAF / INFN

Abstract: Supermassive black hole (SMBH) winds are powerful outflows, capable of reaching velocities up to half the speed of light, driven by the immense energy near these massive objects. These ultra-fast outflows (UFOs) carry significant mass and energy, playing a potential role in shaping galaxy evolution over cosmic time. In this talk, we will present the latest insights into SMBH winds, leveraging X-ray and multi-wavelength observations along with advanced modeling techniques. We’ll also explore their connection to other high-energy phenomena such as variable AGN, SMBH binaries, and tidal disruption events. In particular, we'll highlight new findings on quasi-periodic outflows (QPOuts) in close binary black hole systems, which may serve as electromagnetic precursors to LISA gravitational wave sources. Finally, we’ll offer a sneak peek at groundbreaking results from XRISM/Resolve’s spectroscopic observations of the powerful UFO in quasar PDS 456.