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Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE): Esplorando l'insorgenza di mondi abitabili attorno ai giganti gassosi

Inizio evento Wed, 14 Jun 2023 - 11:00
Fine evento Wed, 14 Jun 2023 - 12:00

Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE): Esplorando l'insorgenza di mondi abitabili attorno ai giganti gassosi

Speaker:  Federico Tosi
Affiliation:   Istituto di Planetologia e Astrofisica Spaziali / Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
luogo: Aula IB09 - IAPS/INAF

Abstract: JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) was selected in 2012 as the first Large-class mission in the framework of the ESA “Cosmic Vision” programme. JUICE is the first ESA-led mission to the Jupiter system. It successfully launched on 14 April 2023 and will arrive at Jupiter in July 2031.JUICE will characterize the conditions that may have led to the emergence of habitable environments in ocean-bearing worlds such as the icy Galilean satellites Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto. Ganymede is identified for detailed investigation since it is the largest satellite, it is fully differentiated, and has a unique magnetic environment. For Europa the focus is on the chemistry essential to life and on understanding the formation of surface features. The study of the diversity of the satellite system, important also to shed light on their origins, will be complemented by several targeted flybys of Callisto and additional information gathered remotely on Io and other minor targets. Focused studies of Jupiter’s atmosphere and magnetosphere investigated over a long temporal baseline will further enhance our understanding of the evolution and dynamics of the Jovian system. The Italian and in particular INAF contribution to the payload is significant and here we will place emphasis on these instruments, showing some of the very first data returned in the post-launch, Near-Earth Commissioning Phase.

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