Evidence of an upper ionospheric electric field perturbation correlated with a gamma ray burst

Inizio evento Wed, 17 Jan 2024 - 11:00
Fine evento Wed, 17 Jan 2024 - 12:00

Evidence of an upper ionospheric electric field perturbation correlated with a gamma ray burst

Speaker:  Mirko Piersanti
Affiliation:   University of L’Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy; INAF-IAPS, Rome, Italy
luogo: IAPS, aula IB09
A cura: IAPS

Piersanti M., P. Ubertini, R. Battiston, A. Bazzano, G. D’Angelo, J. G. Rodi, P. Diego, Z. Zeren and the CSES-Limadou Collaboration

Abstract: Earth’s atmosphere, whose ionization stability plays a fundamental role for the evolution and endurance of life, is exposed to the effect of cosmic explosions producing high energy Gamma-ray-bursts. Being able to abruptly increase the atmospheric ionization, they might deplete stratospheric ozone on a global scale. During the last decades, an average of more than one Gamma-ray-burst per day were recorded. Nevertheless, measurable effects on the ionosphere were rarely observed, in any case on its bottom-side (from about 60 km up to about 350 km of altitude). Here, we report evidence of an intense top-side (about 500 km) ionospheric perturbation induced by significant sudden ionospheric disturbance, and a large variation of the ionospheric electric field at 500 km, which are both correlated with the October 9, 2022 Gamma-ray burst (GRB221009A).

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